Endure ~ Men of the Word: 2 Timothy 3:14-17

November 19, 2023
Teacher: Tony Bowe
Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:14-17

Do you spend time in your Bible each week?  Time outside of Sunday morning worship?  Even though there has been a drop of almost 40% in the number of Americans that read their Bible at least three times a year on their own, the Bible is still one of the best selling books of all time!  this is because it does not claim to contain some truths or be a collection of human wisdoms.  No!  It claims to be the very words of God!

Join Pastor Tony as he encourages us to cherish the Bible and celebrate the Holy Scriptures.  Much like Paul encouraged Timothy to love the Word of God in today’s passage and not neglect or deprioritize it in his life.

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