Sermons In Touch with the Heart of God – Luke 2:21-38 Simeon’s Nunc Dimittis The title of this song is formed from the opening words in…GracePoint ChurchDecember 18, 2020
Sermons He Has! – Luke 1:46-56 Mary’s Magnificat Two women, two pregnancies. One woman old, the other young. Both transformed by…GracePoint ChurchDecember 10, 2020
Sermons They’re Playing Our Song – Luke 2:8-20 Jeff Peabody writes; “The little Palestinian town of Beit Sahour is believed to sit atop…GracePoint ChurchDecember 4, 2020
Sermons When the Speechless Sang – Luke 1:57-80 A famous American scientist once said, “If you want to send an idea, wrap it…GracePoint ChurchNovember 27, 2020
Sermons Jubilate- Psalm 100 Psalm 100 is often known as the ‘Jubilate’, which is Latin for ‘O be joyful’.…GracePoint ChurchNovember 20, 2020
Sermons Living on Purpose – Philippians 1:18b-26 Philippians 1:18b-26 The Perspective of a Single Mind: Living on Purpose Circumstances, other people, possessions…GracePoint ChurchNovember 14, 2020
Sermons New Perspectives – Philippians 1:12-21 Philippians 1:12-21 In the midst of the shifting circumstances of life, a consistent challenge for…GracePoint ChurchNovember 5, 2020
Sermons The Cure for Near-Sightedness – Philippians 1:3-11 Philippians 1:3-11 Many people have a common vision condition called myopia where the point of…GracePoint ChurchOctober 31, 2020
Sermons Center of the Universe – Philippians 1:1-2 Philippians 1:1-2 In astronomy we learn that for thousands of years before Copernicus, people thought…GracePoint ChurchOctober 22, 2020
Sermons Vantage Point- An Introduction to Philippians We are all facing personal challenges that at times feel as if they are insurmountable.…GracePoint ChurchOctober 16, 2020
Sermons A Personal Perspective on the Sovereignty of God and the Importance of Faith – Romans 8:28 Romans 8:28 If you are unable to join us for Worship on the Lawn (more…GracePoint ChurchOctober 10, 2020
Sermons Trinity in Life Dr. J. Scott Horrell, known to us as “Scott,” grew up in this church and…GracePoint ChurchOctober 1, 2020
Sermons Trinity in Relationships Dr. J. Scott Horrell, known to us as “Scott,” grew up in this church and…GracePoint ChurchSeptember 24, 2020
Sermons The Holy Spirit is God Dr. J. Scott Horrell, known to us as “Scott,” grew up in this church and…GracePoint ChurchSeptember 17, 2020
Sermons Jesus is God Dr. J. Scott Horrell, known to us as “Scott,” grew up in this church and…Scott HorrellSeptember 10, 2020