GracePoint Moms
Moms of all ages are welcome Wednesdays from 8:30-10:30 am in the GracePoint nursery. Contact Lexi Martin or the office for more information
Moms of all ages are welcome Wednesdays from 8:30-10:30 am in the GracePoint nursery. Contact Lexi Martin or the office for more information
Join us on Wednesday nights for prayer and fellowship from 6-7:30pm. But come at 5:30 for dinner and bring a dish to share with group. Wednesday Night Fellowship will follow...
Join us as we come together in prayer on Sunday mornings at 8:30am.
The Way: A Journey Together in the Faith As Jesus followers we are on a "faith journey" following in His steps as disciples. Join us each Sunday at 9am, Sept...
Join us for Sunday morning worship from 10am-11am. Nursery care and Children’s Church are available during the service for newborn through 6th grade.
5th-12th graders on Sundays at 6pm Join us every Sunday night for youth group! We'll dive into the Word, enjoy snacks, play games, and worship together. Don't forget to bring your...
Moms of all ages are welcome Wednesdays from 8:30-10:30 am in the GracePoint nursery. Contact Lexi Martin or the office for more information
Join us on Wednesday nights for prayer and fellowship from 6-7:30pm. But come at 5:30 for dinner and bring a dish to share with group. Wednesday Night Fellowship will follow...
Join us as we come together in prayer on Sunday mornings at 8:30am.
The Way: A Journey Together in the Faith As Jesus followers we are on a "faith journey" following in His steps as disciples. Join us each Sunday at 9am, Sept...
Join us for Sunday morning worship from 10am-11am. Nursery care and Children’s Church are available during the service for newborn through 6th grade.
5th-12th graders on Sundays at 6pm Join us every Sunday night for youth group! We'll dive into the Word, enjoy snacks, play games, and worship together. Don't forget to bring your...