All are welcome to join us after worship on Sunday, June 30 to finalize the discussions and vote (members only) on the suggested improvements made in the May letter to...
The Elders of GracePoint Church will gather for their bi-weekly meeting. If you would like to attend or have an issue you would like the elders to discuss, please contact...
Help youth from the Colville Reservation experience Peniel, seeing God face to face (Genesis 32:30), at the Peniel Ranch in Nespelem, WA Character Camp July 14-July 20. Speak to members...
Youth ages PreK-8th grade are invited to 5 Day club from 9:30am-11am, July 15-19 at the Springs Residence. Lead by our CiYA graduates, Evangeline Springs and Claire Correll, kids will enjoy a...
Youth ages PreK-8th grade are invited to 5 Day club from 9:30am-11am, July 15-19 at the Springs Residence. Lead by our CiYA graduates, Evangeline Springs and Claire Correll, kids will enjoy a...
Youth ages PreK-8th grade are invited to 5 Day club from 9:30am-11am, July 15-19 at the Springs Residence. Lead by our CiYA graduates, Evangeline Springs and Claire Correll, kids will enjoy a...
Youth ages PreK-8th grade are invited to 5 Day club from 9:30am-11am, July 15-19 at the Springs Residence. Lead by our CiYA graduates, Evangeline Springs and Claire Correll, kids will enjoy a...
Youth ages PreK-8th grade are invited to 5 Day club from 9:30am-11am, July 15-19 at the Springs Residence. Lead by our CiYA graduates, Evangeline Springs and Claire Correll, kids will enjoy a...
GracePoint Teens entering 5th -12th Grades and their parents are invited to a pool party & BBQ on Saturday, July 20 from 6-8 pm at the Springs residence. Please RSVP...
The Elders of GracePoint Church will gather for their bi-weekly meeting. If you would like to attend or have an issue you would like the elders to discuss, please contact...
All are invited to join! Come to the Church Family Barbeques on Saturday, July 27 or August 10 at 4:30pm at the home of Brad & June Strickler (7659 Road E NW ~...
Help us collect Stocking Stuffers for His Helping Hands to give away at their Christmas Day Gift Giveaway and Lunch July 14-July 28 Suggested Items: Small dolls, chalk, small fishing...
Join us before worship on Sunday, July 28 to celebrate the Monsons as we thank them for their years of service to the church and say farewell to our friends...
All are welcome to join us after the service for our annual congregational meeting. You'll hear an update on the past fiscal year and plans for next. Members will vote...